100 Days of Sex Ed
CJ De Barra
Journalist | Author, ‘Neuroqueer’
CJ De Barra (they/them) is a journalist and author. They are on a mission to share information around neurodiversity, sex, love and relationships with an emphasis on non binary, queer and transgender people.
CJ is an Irish queer, nonbinary author, journalist, and editor. They were diagnosed with ADHD, ODD and GAD at a young age.
They are the author of ‘Neuroqueer: a neurodivergent guide to love, sex and everything in between’. The book is memoir meets non-fiction and delves into love, sex and relationships for neurodivergent individuals. They have just completed a UK and Ireland book tour for ‘Neuroqueer’ which aimed at spreading information on neurodiversity, love and sex especially for queer and transgender/nonbinary people.
CJ is Irish but based in Nottingham, England. They travel between Ireland and England frequently.
Key Info
Higher Education
Master of Journalism | Independent Colleges
Honours degree | Limerick School of Art and Design
LGBT culture/politics/health
Sex and relationships
The Guardian | How we met: ‘I tripped and completely humiliated myself. Then I tried to style it out’
LGBTQ Nation | Too many doctors are still inept at helping queer folks build families
Left Lion | Chapters of history: author Simon Smalley turns the pages on Nottingham’s queer past
Left Lion | Ahead of Pride, Hockley's Rainbow Crossing is being repainted for it's fifth anniversary
Left Lion | Out of Time: The wartime kitchen that sprung up on Broad Street