100 Days of Sex Ed

Dee Whitnell

Sex Educator | Author, ‘Beyond Bananas and Condoms

Dee Whitnell (they/them) is a multi-award winning sex educator, content creator, journalist and author. They are on a mission to ensure Trans and Nonbinary voices are represented and reflected within sex education, as well as the wider LGBTQIA+ community.

Dee provides much-need inclusive and compressive sex education in many forms, from teaching sex in schools to under 16s, to delivering workshops and talks to organisations and companies. They are an accredited sex educator, a Young Person Trustee for Brook, a Split Banana facilitator and ambassador for Fumble.

Their book, ‘Beyond Bananas and Condoms: The Lgbtqia+ Inclusive Sex Education You Never Got at School’ is a sex-positive resource - complete with illustrations of our beautiful, baffling bodies in all their glory.

Dee is based in Kent in the United Kingdom.

Key Info

  • Sexology Training

    • Certified Sex and Relationship Educator | ACET UK

    • Mental health first aider | MHFA England

    Higher Education

    • Master of Gender, Sexuality and Culture | Birkbeck University

    • LGBTQIA+ sex education

    • Trans and Nonbinary sex education

Contact Dee