100 Days of Sex Ed

Jennie Williams

Founder & CEO, Enhance the UK

Jennie Williams (she/her) is the founder and CEO of Enhance the UK. She is on a mission to challenge mainstream society’s expectations of and for its Deaf, neurodivergent and disabled people.

For the past 10 years, Jennie has been working across the UK to support individuals and organisations to embrace change, with equality and inclusion. She founded the Undressing Disability campaign over 10 years ago to spread information, awareness and education about sex and disability. It shares expert advice, resources, training and education while running campaigns on sex, love and relationships.

Her team runs free Love Lounge sessions which provides support and information for people who need a friendly face-to-face chat or want anonymous advice. She is the host of the Undressing Disability podcast, events and has developed a range of accessible sex toys called Quest.

Jennie is based in Brighton, UK.

Key Info

    • British Sign Language, Level 1, 2, & 3

    • Disability

    • Accessibility

    • Neurodiversity

    • D/deaf and hearing loss

    • Inclusion

    • Disability and sex

Contact Jennie