100 Days of Sex Ed

Justin Hancock

Relationships and Sexuality Educator | Founder, BISH

Justin Hancock (he/him) is a relationships and sexuality educator. He is on a mission to provide resources, not more discourses.

Justin has been working in relationships and sexuality education for over 25 years. With a background is in youth work, he has worked with thousands of young people running workshops and giving one-to-one advice. He is the founder of BISH UK, a guide to sex, love, and you for everyone over 14. He also facilitate training courses for professionals worldwide.

He is a PhD candidate and author of 'Can We Talk About Consent' and 'Enjoy Sex (How, When and IF You Want To)’ with Meg-John Barker.

Justin is based in London, UK.

Key Info

  • Higher Education

    • PhD candidate | Nottingham Trent University


    • World Association for Sexual Health

    Sexology Training

    • Training the Trainers Course in Sexual Health | Sheffield Centre for HIV

    • Relationships and sexuality education and advice.

    • Working with older teens and adults.

    • Applying theory to RSE, particularly materialism, assemblage theory, affect theory, and Deleuze and Guattari's idea of becoming.

Contact Justin