100 Days of Sex Ed
Katy DeJong
Sexuality Educator
Katy DeJong (she/they) is a sexuality educator. She is on a mission to have folks navigate the experience of infertility while maintaining a fulfulling sexual relationship with themselves and their partners.
Katy, also known as the The Pleasure Anarchist, explores the sexual impacts of infertility through the lens of desire, pleasure and body image. She is endlessly curious about how the bodies we inhabit and identities we hold influence the way we experience our sexual selves.
They have a background in feminist philosophy and believe that knowing how to ask the right questions is critical to understanding ourselves and others. She helps people facilitate the deep introspection necessary for sexual healing and body liberation.
Katy DeJong is based in Upstate New York in the United States.
Key Info
Sexology Training
Sex Educator | Institute for Sex Education & Enlightenment
Higher Education
Bachelor of Arts in Feminist Philosophy | American University
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists
Body image