100 Days of Sex Ed. Created by 100+ experts.

Free workshops, panels, webinars, videos, articles, research, worksheets, activities, games & more.


100 Days of Sex Ed runs from January 20th to April 29th - aligning with the first 100 days of the 47th U.S. administration. We believe this is a moment to come together as a sexual and reproductive health and justice community to create inclusive and accessible resources.


The resources are created by a global community of educators, therapists, coaches, doctors, researchers, and authors. This is a pro-bono project, with everyone involved volunteering their time to create the program.
Meet the Experts.


The resources are virtual, with a mix of workshops, panels, and bite-sized content. It is all free - click a resource and create an account to begin.

Meet the Experts

What is Sex Ed?

  • "The most underrated way to support people to have a better life."

    Gareth Cheesman | Sex Educator & ACET/Esteem Network Director

  • "A necessary - and often inaccessible - foundational part of one's education in being human."

    Claire Perelman | Sex Therapist & Social Worker

  • "An essential part of human development and connection."

    Oli Lipski |Sensual Intimacy Coach

  • "It gives you the knowledge and tools to understand your body, your choices, and your relationships."

    Evie Plumb | Founder, Cliterally The Best

  • "It's the foundation where we learn what is healthy, safe and pleasurable."

    Selina Nguyen | Sex and Relationship Therapist

  • "It helps everyone have an opportunity to consider the messages (good, bad and ugly) they have received about intimacy, bodies, sex and relationships."

    Daniel Principe | Youth Advocate & Educator